how to join cashfiesta? 如何加入cashfiesta?
how to install the fiestabar? 如何安裝fiestabar?
how to use the fiestabar? 如何使用fiestabar?
when does fiestaboy go to sleep? fiestaboy(男孩)在什麼時候會睡覺? if there are no ads on fiestabar for some reason. 如果由於某些原因在fiestabar(廣告橫條)上没有廣告時。 fiestaboy will sleep and the dollar icon in your systray will be red. fiestaboy將會睡覺且在廣告橫條頭端的金錢圖案會變紅。 when an ad appears, move your mouse pointer over fiestabar to wake up fiestaboy. 當出現廣告時,移動滑鼠指向fiestabar,就可叫醒fiestaboy。 what to do when fiestaboy goes to sleep? 當fiestaboy睡覺時會發生什麼事呢? depending on what picture and instructions you will be shown you have to do one of the following: 視顯示的圖片和指示而定,你應配合執行下列項目之一: if you see this picture in the left corner move your mouse pointer over fiestabar to wake up fiestaboy. 如果你在左側角落看見這一個圖片,移動你的滑鼠指向fiestabar叫醒fiestaboy。 if you see this picture in the left corner click on the sleeping fiestaboy, and then you will be prompted to take same action to wake it up - usually you will have just to click on the fiestaboy walking in the advertising space. 如果你在左側角落看見這一個圖片,點擊睡著的 fiestaboy,然後你將被提示以相同行動叫醒它 - 一般只要點擊走在廣告橫條上的fiestaboy即可。 what happens when fiestaboy sleeps? 當fiestaboy睡覺時,發生什麼事? fiestaboy sleeping - you are not earning points. fiestaboy睡覺-你没有賺取點數。 if he's taking a siesta, there's no cashfiesta! 如果他正在午睡,表示沒有cashfiesta! click on fiestaboy to resume your session. 點擊fiestaboy恢復執行。 fiestaboy walking - you are earning points. fiestaboy步行 - 表示正在賺取點數。