al- = to
(1) align assonance:line meaning:arrange in a straight line ecample:the pattern of the border at the joint should align perfectly. (2)allay assonance:lay meaning:to ease ecample:they are trying to allay public fears about the spread of the disease. (3)allocate assonance:locate meaning:to set apart for a special purpose ecample:allocate a room to be used for storage. (4)allot assonance:a lot meaning:distribute ecample:allotted 20 minutes to each speaker. (5)alloy assonance:toy meaning:a mixture of two or more metals ecample:alloy steel (6)allude assonance:rude meaning:imply ecample:the problem had been alluded to briefly in earlier discussions. (7)allure assonance:lure meaning:attract ecample:sexual allure